welcome to our team

Marco Serventi


Degree in Economics and Business Administration – Marketing at the University of Parma; he is the founder of PBL and he has twenty years of experience in the sale and marketing of industrial machines for the pharmaceutical sector.

Franco Serventi

Technical Director

For more than forty years, he has consolidated his knowledge in the design, production and sale of machines and production lines for the pharmaceutical, chemical and consumer industries.

Enzo Sorrentino

Head of Technical Mechanical Department and R&D Manager

He has more than thirty years of experience as a mechanical designer for the pharmaceutical, chemical and consumer industries. Since 2018 he has been in charge of the PBL mechanical technical office.

Giacomo Zermani Anguissola

Head of Technical Electronic Department

Master’s Degree in Automation and Control Engineering at the Politecnico of Milano; he has ten years of experience in the design and testing of industrial machinery in the custom automation and robotic sectors.

Filippo Begarani

Research and Innovation Manager

Master’s Degree in Electronic Engeneering at Politecnico di Torino with specialization in Nanotechnology; PhD in Biophysical science research at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa with specialization in Spectral Imaging; he has acquired specific knowledge in the fields of spectroscopy and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Company philosophy

A family of dedicated industrial craftsmen

The ability to be innovative, to look towards the future, and to see beyond: beyond what is known, beyond what was already possible until now that can become the starting point to look for new solutions.

Not every skill can be included in a curriculum. We believe in people, in our passion for our work, in our experience, which is enriched every day with every newly achieved goal.